
[ on my mind ]

two blogs in one day. hot damn! 

here is what's on my mind tonight:

he is currently in south dakota. 4 states. 1 time zone. and roughly 1083 miles away. it feels like we are on different planets some days. 

another thing on my mind is....

i've been thinking a lot about my future recently. specifically, if cake decorating is in it or not. seeing this beautiful image makes me want to keep experimenting and learning even if i have to do it on my own. 

sleep is the last thought for tonight. so exhausted after my double today and i have to turn around and do it again tomorrow. BUT! my brother is in town for an hour or so and i am so, so, so, excited to see him!


[ sold! ]

my boyfriend and i have been fixing up this bike for me to ride this summer. on my first test ride we quickly realized it was beyond too small for me. i was devastated! i dragged my feet putting the old girl up for sale on facebook and on craigslist, but last weekend i finally took some glamor shots and posted her "for sale".

i posted these images on my facebook and then went to dinner with my lovely roommate erin. two hours later my bike was sold! and within the week i had  received a check from the happy new owner. i am so sad to see this lovely lady go, but i am so thrilled she's going to a good home!


[ summer. swoon. ]

these are my two favorite things about this summer so far. mint and coral nailpolish, french braids, and (not shown) my hot pink sports bra. it's a statement piece. no big deal. ha! ha!

my boyfriend is blogging about his cycling trip across the country. if you're interested you can follow dylan and adam with me! it's a pretty fantastic blog name if you ask me. again, www.dylanallupinamerica.blogspot.com. 

what are your favorite things this summer?


[ cha-cha-cha-changes ]

so i posted a month or so ago about a new job opportunity. sadly, it has ended. truth be told it wasn't a good fit. i have no doubt in my mind that it was for the best that i am no longer involved with the agency lifestyle, i don't think it's what i am meant to do. i'm not sure where i am meant to end up, or what i'll end up doing, but i do know that the cookie-cutter, 9-5 office life, isn't for this girl. it's been a month or so back into my old schedule and i am noticing a difference in my mood and in my general happiness. 

another major difference is the absence of my gentleman. he left about 4 weeks ago to cycle across the country, from here at home to california. i know right, my boyfriend is so cool! he will be gone for the next month and a half and let me tell you. i am loosing my shit! i didn't know i could miss someone so much. 

onto happier notes! here are some pictures to recap from my time away!

we celebrated my roommate Megs' birthday!

with a "silence of the lambs" themed cake. 

i found this really beautiful old building back behind my old work place. i want to go back and take pictures closer up! 

squidbillys cake for a girl at work.  

really cute retirement cake. 

the day i was let go i made this. kind of a "fuck-off" feast. if you will :) 

we had the largest catering order ever and i made three quadruple batches of chocolate chip cookie dough. by hand!  

cupcake experimenting at brown bag!  

ice cream cone cake. 

we dog sat our close friends pup, tone jaw. he builds nests.  

dylan turned 25. and we celebrated! boy, oh boy do i miss him! 

this might be my favorite thing i've done. 

always room for improvement, but i thought the owl turned out well! 

interesting buttercream application, am i right? 

i dropped dylan off back home. there is so much more sky there than here! 

my baby sister graduated from high school. i decided i needed to look my best.

after the ceremony aunt ann and i got greek fries. best thing in erie. hands down. 

little baby ragey! i couldn't believe how elegant and grown up she looked.  

oh. i bought i bicycle! her name's burdie.  

this is the hail storm that rolled in right before said sister's graduation party. 

more intimidating storm clouds!  

i was home for a grand total of four days. i had an ice cream cone everyday. i can't decide if there's something wrong with that statement or not... 

my new breakfast! frozen grapes. so refreshing! 
all caught up. hopefully i will be able to update a little more frequently now that i've got some time on my hands, but who knows! after this 60+ hour work week, i am beyond spent!