dedication to this thing is clearly something i lack.
a newfound zest to share my thoughts has brought me back, hopefully for longer than a 3-post stint... i am gearing up for, what has the potential to be, a very painful separation. this goes without saying, but i'm not looking forward to it. i am hoping with his departure, i can finally settle down and really dedicate myself to moving on. new job. new town. new chance at life. both of these events are destined to happen, he is contractually bound, and i cannot stay here much longer without putting my sanity and general well being in serious jeopardy.
but where to go? i have fantasy lives all over the world, but such an extreme distance from my family terrifies me. cities like boulder, portland, and raleigh have all been very appealing to me, interestingly enough, one for each zone...east, west, and middle. but were do i go? how does one make a decision like this? completely uproot and move somewhere new? i've done it once for school, however that's one hell of a safety net. there are no safety nets that i can see in this situation.
more to come...but for now, here is one of my favorite images i've come across in the last few weeks.
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