so after a week and a half of being a lazy piece of garbage, i am putting myself back on track, and back on a schedule. too be a little less harsh on myself, it was a medical issue that kept me in a general state of lazy, but never the less! i am back!so to kick things off i am going on a "applying for jobs & working on my brand" kick. until my website is done i am taking my URL off my resume. i refuse to put off this next chapter in my life for something i may never finish. doesn't make sense. i'm not giving up on the site, still going to work on it, just not going to have it be my primary focus. i'll work on it when i'm inspired and up for battling dreamweaver. end of discussion.
i think a lot of this has to do with my bestest of friends. she's working on getting out of a bad work environment and while i don't necessarily have a work environment at all, i do need to get on with my life.i can't keep doing what i'm doing. no matter how comfortable i could be doing this well... forever...
i know i've said this before, but i think my trip to columbus this upcoming weekend will reinforce my resolve to get my life back together. fingers crossed shall we?
here are some lovelies i've had my eyes on:

this modest mouse poster:

and these AMAZING alphabet cups!

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