holy smokes. i am really not very good at this!
i'm trying to organize my life much better once the holiday craziness is over. designate time for everything i want to do or get done and really commit to it too. i joined a gym over the weekend. which is completely fruitless seeing i have one working foot right now. but i want to get back in shape. i'd like to tone up and feel better, more alive. starting the week before christmas might have been a bad move as well, i mean serious... EVERYONE has a million things to do, myself included... why not add the gym to that list? why not?
i cannot wait for this long weekend to start! my job, even though it's completely awful, gives us 2 paid days for both christmas and new years. so even though this place kind of makes my skin crawl... i am so grateful for these two four day weekends i have coming up! for sure a good time to get started on all these projects i want to do and books i want to read!
an update: he's been gone for almost two weeks. two whole weeks without talking to him. this is officially the longest we've gone without speaking in the three years we've known each other. ultimately this will be good for me. i have to get him out of my system if i want any chance of moving on and meeting someone new. but until then, i am numb. i think it could be one of two things: i can either be missing him so much i've gone numb, or i don't feel as much towards him as i used to. i'm sure there are more than these two options, but right now, these are the two staring me in the face. both make me uncomfortable. so i'm ignoring it for now.
here are some images from a s
ite i stumbled upon this morning: http://www.aloveletterforyou.com/
made my heart melt :) enjoy!

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