who did a pin point of my life and didn't tell me? fess up.
things were looking good. until this weekend that is. i honest to goodness thought he and i could pull it off; he'd leave and we'd be on phenomenal terms, best of friends, wanting to be in each other's lives for the long haul. silly.
with a train wreck of a personal life and no real direction as of yet in my professional life, i have taken a semi-permanent stance as a hermit and will be catching up on all the shows i've missed due to school. i'm starting my time out from life with all six, seven really, seasons of the office; which as it turns out is a brilliant way to put a smile on my face and take my mind off things with a certain boy.
also, with a special thanks to elise from a beautiful mess i've made a list of 23 things to do before i'm 24... well, rather i'm in the middle of making such a list. but!! i'm really excited for it. i NEED to start doing things for myself, things to make me happy and make my time in my personal purgatory a little more cheerful and a ton more crafty. i would like to take things away from this time being home. positive things, so this year isn't a black whole of my life. good grief.
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